#ADF2020 Plenary Sessions

Embark on a journey back to the pivotal moments of the African Drone Forum 2020, where the drone community's pulse was truly felt. The forum, held in Kigali, Rwanda, was not just a gathering but a groundbreaking event that showcased the vast potential of drone technology in Africa.

ADF 2020 Keynote Retrospective

Relive the inspiring keynotes from ADF 2020, where visionaries like Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame called for Africa to not only adopt drones but to lead in their design and manufacture, creating tailored solutions for the continent's unique challenges. This rallying call was more than just a statement—it was a blueprint for future innovators and a reminder that the forum is a launchpad for new industries that generate employment and prosperity.

The African Drone Forum Opening Ceremony with guest of honour Paul Kagame

Plenary "Unlocking the Lower Skies"

In the past few years, countries have started to open their lower skies as a resource for mobility. Countries like Rwanda, Ghana, and Malawi in Africa are at the forefront in seeking to create a safe and enabling environment. In this discussion, representatives from Rwanda, Ethiopia, ICAO and AFCAC will share how the vision of integrating drones into the mobility ecosystem can reach its full potential and will discuss what key strategies are needed to harness these technological benefits. African countries stand to benefit the most from Unmanned Aircraft Systems as they can disrupt the logistics landscape and connect hard-to-reach communities. The session will discuss what the right framework for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) should be to reach their full potential and how to achieve that at a regional scale.

Plenary “Malaria Eradication”

Plenary "Drone Integration Into Supply Chains

Plenary - Suveys and Mapping

The African Drone Forum 2020 set the tone for the future, demonstrating that when it comes to drones, Africa is not just a market, but a hub of innovation and opportunity. For those interested in the details and outcomes of these events, the African Drone Forum website provides a wealth of information and inspiration.